Thursday, May 30, 2013


This sunday we had lunch with our ward mission leader, he is awesome and a return missionary and so is his wife. SO of course everyone shared crazy mission stories about how the beat up robbers and such. After a while we got into scarey ghost storeis and I was totally freaking out all day hahahaha
This week we had a ton of service projects with the sister in our ward that coordinates are lunches! She is doing a lot of construction in her house so she called us for help! The first thing she had us do was move a couples things and remove nails and such from the walls. After that she said that she wanted to make a window! So I was totally down with that hahaha! She handed me a pick axe and I went to town on that wall and made a window hahaha! She was like ELDER GET ANGRY. So jokingly I was Screaming like crazy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH And everyone was cracking up like crazy hahaha sofunny!
Today we went to Sao Pedro which is a town in our area which is kinda far away and so we dont have many investigators there. So we went and talked to a ton of inactives. We talked to one family which use to be so firm in the gospel then they started working on sunday. It was really sad. We talked about the blessings they could recieve and that their family could become more united and have more peace and happiness cause their family was having some rouch times. After the daughter told us that she was trying to come back to church but the last time she tried all the members were looking at her werid and the bishop came up to her and called her to his office and chewed her out about what she did and why she didnt go to church....It was really sad, and we bore our testimonies and we were all crying so much because the spirit was so strong. We invited them to church this week but they next week maybe. It was so sad... but we are going to visit them more and help the return to the churhc! Which I am excited about because they have an amazing family and a son with 9 years who hasn't been baptized yet! Love them.
The 23rd we had another service project with Irma Marta! IT was so fun I got to work with my hands, mix cement and just work; MY companion was a little hesistant with getting dirty but he got into the work!!! He is awesome! SO I helped make a ton of cement and helped place tiles on the wall. SO it was a fun service project and their house looks awesome now :)
This sunday was awesome! I gave my first talk in portuguese about the importance of references from memebers. I talked about how King Lamoni and Ammon worked together and that King Lamoni had given Ammon many references and baptized many people! I thought it was a pretty sweet talk! I will send you it in english :) But all the members came up and congraduatated me on a successful talk :)
So this week was awesome. WE are preparing Joao Batista for baptism this week! So I am really excited about that! HOnestly he is an elect of God because we didnt have the opportunity to talk to him a lot during this week but he came to church on his own!!!
Well thats all the happened this week Until the next :)

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